Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。
Before dealing with that instruction, the control unit checks whether an interrupt or an exception occurred while the control unit executed the previous instruction. 在执行这个指令之前,控制单元检查在它执行前一条指令时,是否有中断或异常产生。
A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit. 一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。
In other words, the instruction processed by the control unit after dealing with the interrupt signal is the first instruction of the selected handler. 换句话说,控制单元在解决完中断信号后,处理的指令就是选中的处理函数的第一条指令。
Focusing on the functional verification of instruction sequences, we introduce its verification method which is based on the basic state transition path of FSM abstracted from pipeline control unit of microprocessor. 根据指令生成模型、验证计划等创建微处理器功能验证程序模板,并结合微处理器流水线状态控制部件的有限状态机的基本状态转移路径,提出一种指令序列的功能验证方法。
The Research of Key Technique on Instruction Control Unit in the X-Microprocessor X通用微处理器指令控制部件的关键技术研究
The Design and Optimization of Instruction Control Unit on High Performance DSP 高性能DSP指令控制部件优化设计研究
The technology based on instruction set control and register optimization is important to realize the high performance design for micro-control unit and micro-processing unit. 指令集控制和寄存器管理技术是实现高性能控制处理芯片设计的重要技术。
Instruction sets is suggested because of three reasons: reducing the complexity of the algorithms 'control unit design, enhance the flexibility and expansibility. Then we discussed the design principal of instruction sets, instruction format and instruction FIFO. 为了简化算法控制单元的设计以及增强系统的灵活性和可扩展性,本文提出设计指令集,并讨论了指令集设计的原则、指令的格式和指令FIFO。
Finally, by the means of Design Compiler tool I synthesize logically the RTL code of the instruction decoding and control unit, and the synthesis results meet the design requirements. 并采用Designcompiler工具对译码控制单元进行了逻辑综合,综合结果满足设计要求。